Cartoon Network's new show "Lion Max's Fun Factory" is an exciting children's show where two teams test their different skills at a specially made fun factory. Ferman is the new host and maNga has created the theme song for the show.
The popular artist carries on opening new pages in his carreer after releasing his first solo project and number one single "İstemem Söz Sevmeni" earlier in 2016.
Cartoon Network's new show "Lion Max's Fun Factory" is an exciting children's show where two teams test their different skills at a specially made fun factory. Ferman is the new host and maNga has created the theme song for the show.
The popular artist carries on opening new pages in his carreer after releasing his first solo project and number one single "İstemem Söz Sevmeni" earlier in 2016.
This will be Ferman's second hosting experience after his successful music program "Kulaktan Kulağa (From ear to ear)" which aired three seasons on TRT Music. Aslan Max Fun Factory is on Cartoon Newtork at 10:00 and 18:30 on weekdays, at 09:00 and 18:30 on weekends. Click here to watch the music video of the song maNga made for the show called "Bi'Dünya Eğlence".